Ad of the Day: Expedia “Find Yours”

Lately, I have been seeing these commercials pop up in every commercial break – and I am not complaining. Expedia’s new “Find Yours” ad is refreshing to say the least. It breaks the typical travel site commercial mold. Expedia recently got picked up by 180 in LA and these ads (released July 2012) help give the brand a fresh new vibe.

The main focus of the ad is not the deal you can receive from the site, but what the trip can mean to YOU. Instead of focusing on numbers and savings, they took the better route and focused on the most important factor: human emotions. The ad connects to us by showing us generalized yet relatable “experiences” we could receive from traveling. Props to the copy writer for creating such a simple line that has a powerful interchangeable words that can connect to the viewers’ emotional side.

The format of the ad is also something that makes it stand out from competitors because it is not highly animated or high-budget. The home movie feel of this ad gives it a more genuine vibe while the single slogan that appears over each video keeps it simple.  Expedia posted this ad on their YouTube and added, “At Expedia, we know that every trip is unique, personal and holds the potential for incredible possibility.” Seems like they know exactly what each trip can mean to everyone. Overall, I think these ads are very enjoyable and have the ability to ignite the adventurous side in all of us.
